“When I first started B’joyed Podcast in 2019 it was because I was searching for more joy in my life. Through my own personal journey, I discovered how to get joy within myself. I launched Season 2 of the podcast in 2022 to help other people find joy within themselves.”

— Amber Pecoraro, Creator & Host B’joyed Podcast

What People Are Saying

“This podcast is a great tool to help you on your journey to finding your joy! Amber does a great job at reminding us all to be happy in life’s imperfections and find your joy always!”

— Amcst81


“After meeting and getting to know Amber in real life, this podcast is an excellent representation of her hardworking and self reflecting nature. I love this podcast because it reminds me of what’s important in life, and the value of taking care of my own needs first. Rock on Amber.”

— Emily Shla

S3 Ep45 Lead Yourself First

How do you become a great leader? You need to effectively lead yourself. In this episode, I talk about what’s keeping you a reactive leader and what needs to change so you can be the confident, proactive leader that empowers your personal and professional teams.

S3 Ep44 Outcome Focused Thinking

Are you stuck in the details? If you’re churning over a tough conversation with an employee or struggling to deal with a tantrum from your toddler, it can feel hard to live with freedom and joy. Clarity creates room for freedom and joy. In this episode, I talk about how to get more clarity through outcome focused thinking so you can quit wallowing in the details and take action with confidence.

S3 Ep43 What Are You Tolerating

What are you tolerating?  In this episode, I talk about what I tolerated for 3.5 years straight that impacted my daily life.  I also talk about why change feels hard and how you can use that information to start moving past the challenges you’ve been tolerating so you can get the freedom, joy, and elevated performance that you desire.

S3 Ep42 Life by Design

Are you consciously designing your life the way you want to live it?  Many people are living according to the way they’ve been influenced to live.  This may initially lead to success by societal standards but it can also tend to bring on eventual burn-out, overwhelm, and lack of self-trust.  Listen to this episode to learn the secret to living life by design so you can feel free and on-fire to use your individual gifts to make a real impact.

S3 Ep41 Brain Trainers

What if your problem employee or critiquing mother-in-law was your greatest asset?  It takes practice to retrain your brain to think the thoughts that get you the results you want.  Listen to this episode if you want to learn how to turn your toughest relationships into your most valuable brain trainers.

S3 Ep40 Productivity Through Presence

Do you want to stop doing the stuff that doesn’t matter so you can lean into what does?  You’ll need a coherent brain for that!  In this episode, we talk about how to use presence to amplify your productivity in the areas that really matter.  If you feel like you’re constantly in a state of reaction, this episode is for you!

S3 Ep39 It’s Not About the Plant

In this episode, I discuss the importance of acknowledging your needs. How can we expect others to respect our boundaries and make us a priority if we are not willing to give that to ourselves? If you want to have the energy and capacity to reach your goals, you need to be a priority in your life. Listen to this episode to get started today!

S3 Ep38 Throw Out the To-do List

Open your mind to new ways of operating that will help you feel lighter.  I use throwing out my to-do list as an example, but you can apply your new way of thinking to anything in your life that isn’t helping you get where you want/be who you want to be in your life.

S3 Ep37 What’s Holding You Back

In this episode, we are talking about what’s really holding you back from getting what you want in your life.  You don’t want to miss the breakdown of how your subconscious mind is impacting and influencing you.  Once you know this, the sky is the limit!

S3 Ep36 Let’s Go Deeper

B’joyed Podcast is so happy to be back in your earphones.  In season 3 of the podcast, we are going deeper to help you live life YOUR way.

B’joyed Podcast is the podcast for ambitious women who want to get free from limiting beliefs, create more balance, and connect with their confidence so they can thrive in work and life.

If you are ready to clear out self-doubt, perfectionism, and overwhelm from non-stop productivity and achievement, you’re in the right place.  I’ll teach you how to master your mind and work with your body, so you can feel more peace, presence, and joy to make a positive impact and elevate your life.

S2 Ep35 Integrate the Whole Person

Feeling stuck or not sure how to move forward? Examining the real issues as your whole self will better help you figure out the root cause of where you’re at and how to move forward. In this episode I give you self-coaching questions to get curious and invite you to work with me.

S2 Ep34 Take Up Space

Do you take up space in your own life? In this episode, we talk about ways to start taking up space that will energize and sustain you.

S2 Ep33 Big Problems

Do you have big problems? Check out this episode to get a different perspective about them.


S2 Ep32 Travel to New Places

Traveling to new places creates new neural pathways in your brain and opens you up to new possibilities in life. You don’t have to book a flight or spend a lot of money to do this. Listen to find out how you can travel to new places to support new thinking, possibilities, and perspective in your daily life.

S2 Ep31 Go With Your Feeling

Have you ever done something because you felt like you had to, even though it felt heavy in your body and not exciting? What if it were possible to listen to those feelings and decide not to do the thing?

In this episode, I talk about how I listened to my feelings to delay releasing podcast episodes this Summer and what I gained from that experience. I also talk about how you can listen more to your body when it comes to things you feel like you have to get done.

S2 Ep30 Let Go of Control for Your Health

Join me in talking with the Anti-Diet Health Coach, Abby Grubbs, as she shares how she helps her clients reach food and body freedom through sustainable, lifelong changes that lead to feeling better and losing weight.

In this episode, Abby discusses what being strictly in masculine energy can do to your body and behavior. She also shares how letting go of the need for control has helped her personal life and inspired the work and results she gets with her clients. Listen-in for the wisdom Abby shares with her younger self that struggled with her own exercise and diet routines.

Make sure to follow Abby on Instagram @saladandsweets for non-dieting health inspiration. And check out how to work with her on her website at http://www.saladandsweets.com/.


S2 Ep29 I Didn’t Get the Job

Have you ever been turned down for a job, not made the team, or failed at something you worked hard for? When this happens, it can feel like we are personally being rejected, especially if our identity is tied closely with the thing we are going after. In this episode, I talk about how you can detach your worth from what you strive to achieve and the peace, learning, and freedom that is waiting for you on the other side.


S2 Ep28 Message to My 33-Year-Old Self

What if you could talk to your younger self? What would you tell her? In this episode I share some valuable knowledge with my 33-year-old self and give her strategies to quiet the noise of “shoulds” from her subconscious mind and connect with the beautiful person she is.


S2 Ep27 Listen to Your Body

Are you feeling rundown, tired, overwhelmed, or unable to focus? Is everything feeling a little (or a lot) harder than it should and you can’t figure out why so you keep going and doing and pushing through? Now is a good time to listen to this episode. Your body may be trying to tell you something. Finding out how to feel better may be as simple as asking yourself what you need. In this episode, I walk you through why it’s so important to listen to your body and how you can start doing it today.


S2 Ep26 Ask For Help

Asking for help is something I’ve struggled with most of my life. In this episode, I talk about why many people in our society struggle with asking for help and why it’s important to give yourself permission to ask for help. I also give you some ways to start asking for more help in your life and the benefits you can get from it.


S2 Ep25 Align Your Energies

You’ve heard of work/life balance (like hundreds of times) before. You’ve tried to get work/life balance but you just feel depleted, guilty for not attaining it, and anything but balanced. What if there is a different way to think about having balance in your life?

In this episode, I talk about masculine and feminine energies and how aligning them in your life can give you the balance you’ve been searching for. We will cover the qualities of masculine and feminine energies, why and how to balance them, and the impact it can have on your life.


S2 Ep24 Launch Your True Self

There is this whole other person inside of you – Your True Self. In many cases, this person has been quieted by a lifetime of rules, expectations, and societal norms. When she’s able to lead in your life – that is when the fun really starts. This episode is being released on the Eve of the official launch date of my Life Coaching business, B’joyed Coaching. I talk about what launching this business as my True Self means as well as how you can start allowing your True Self to lead in your life.


S2 Ep23 Your Gift

What is your gift? I think everyone has gifts within them. When utilized, these gifts allow us to live a life with more purpose and joy. In this episode, I talk about why you may not know what your gift is and some tips on how to find it. I also give you some examples on how to nurture your gift and offer it out to the world, so you can feel lit up and positively impact those around you.


S2 Ep22 Distraction is a Trap

We’ve been distracted for so long it just feels like reality now. Distractions come in many forms: Social media, news, overscheduling ourselves, needing to buy the next thing to make our lives better, etc., etc. But what if all these distractions are keeping you from your greatest resource…Yourself.

Listen-in to become more aware of how distractions are keeping you from accessing your potential, beauty, and gifts. I also give you some small ways to start limiting distractions in your life today.


“Amber and her guests remind me to find MY joy when I listen and give me things I continue to think about long after the podcast is done. Loving this addition to life.”

— eeeekkkaaaapppp

“I love the way this podcast tells the stories of everyday people who have found ways to insert more joy in their lives. Truly, who doesn’t want more joy? So authentic and refreshing. I feel inspired after every episode.”

— Ellie&Owen Mama

S2 Ep21 Nervous System

Feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or on edge? Understanding how your nervous system works can help you get out of it. In this episode, I talk about how I use the knowledge of my nervous system’s autonomic responses to help me on days where I feel overloaded and overwhelmed. I also give you an example of how being conscious of your thoughts can help you regulate your nervous system.


S2 Ep20 Neuroplasticity

If you want to learn how to manage your limiting thoughts and long-held beliefs, neuroplasticity will be your new best friend! In this episode I talk about what neuroplasticity is and how learning about it helped me address my own limiting thoughts and beliefs. I also give you some ways to play with neuroplasticity in order to think and believe the thoughts that will give you the results you want.


S2 Ep19 #1 Priority

What is your #1 priority? Who is your #1 priority? In this episode, I talk about these questions as well as give you the opportunity to learn HOW you can make yourself a top priority in your life. The HOW includes mindset shifts, establishing the plan, and how to take action.


S2 Ep18 True Self

What is your true self? How would you live your life if you were connected to your true self? In this episode, I talk about these questions as well as give you three simple ways to get started discovering your true self today.


S2 Ep17 My Story (3/3): Retrain the Brain

In this episode I talk about surrendering to my situation and the messages my body was giving me. You’ll learn how I found help for the non-stop itching and welting on my face and dealt with emotions I had suppressed for so long as a mom, wife, and professional. I also talk about finding my true self and how we all need to make ourselves a priority and allow our true selves to shine more in our lives.  

If you’re interested in learning more about the program I did to retrain my brain it is called Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS): https://retrainingthebrain.com/


S2 Ep16 My Story (2/3): Fight & Flight Mode

My body was in fight/flight mode which caused me to go into a stress loop I couldn’t get out of. In this episode, I talk about what put me there and my body’s response to get me to listen.


S2 Ep15 My Story (1/3): The Prelude

The prelude is the action or event serving as an introduction to something more important. In this episode, I talk about my 3+ years of daily dizziness and how that was the event that was actually introducing me to something bigger that I needed to face.


S2 Ep14 B’joyed is Back!

B’joyed Podcast is so happy to be back in your earphones. In this episode I introduce you to the journey I’ve been on to really discover my true self and we talk about what’s in store for Season 2.